Tag Archives: Buttercream

Williams-Sonoma Chocolate Whoopie Pies with Buttercream Filling

28 May


Williams-Sonoma Chocolate Whoopie Pies with Buttercream

Whoopie pies and crepes have been where my dessert tastes have been of late. (This weekend I am planning to attempt a Boston Creme Crepe Cake hopefully with the aid of Jessica!! Lord knows I will probably need another set of hands for that guy!).

A few weeks ago was my friend Megan’s (another Megan than Friday breakfast Megan- confusing I know) birthday. I decided to make whoopie pies to celebrate and had heard the recipe that came along with my William Sonoma Whoopie Pie Pan was delish!

I measured, stirred, poured, baked, and frosted. And was left in want of more. They looked incredible but lacked depth in flavor. I also accidentally threw the recipe away…….. so you won’t be able to see what I was working with. (Note- I cannot find it online anywhere either….hmmm).

Upon asking Jess to taste these little guys a few things were determined- it pays to use higher quality cocoa (Kroger brand doesn’t cut it) and the addition of brewed coffee could have added dimension to the flavor. Next time….

It happens though. Recipes do not always pan out. At least they looked pretty right?